【HR术语】什么是预测性人力资源分析?(What is predictive HR analytics?)
What is predictive HR analytics?
Predictive HR analytics is a tech tool that HR uses to analyze past and present data to forecast future outcomes. Predictive HR analytics digitally digs through data to extract, dissect, and categorize information and then identify patterns, irregularities, and correlations. Through statistical analysis and predictive modeling, analytics enables data-driven decisions regarding HR functions.
Predictive HR analytics systems are reminiscent of the earthworm. The worm ingests natural waste material and residue and excretes nutrient-rich, fertile soil. Predictive analytics, too, intakes unused, raw data and transforms it into applicable information that supports wiser business decisions.
Predictive HR analytics examples
Here are some examples of how organizations today apply human capital predictive analytics:
Recruitment. Predictive analytics helps HR professionals identify the most effective sources of top talent. By analyzing historical data on successful hires, organizations can focus their recruitment efforts on the platforms and channels that yield the best results.
Employee retention. Predictive models can analyze employee data, such as performance reviews, absenteeism, and tenure, to identify people at risk of leaving the company. This allows HR to take proactive measures, such as offering career development opportunities or addressing workplace concerns, to retain valuable talent.
Workforce planning. Predictive analytics can forecast future skill gaps within a company by considering factors like retirement rates, turnover, and emerging industry trends. HR can then develop training and development programs to fill these gaps and ensure the workforce remains competitive.
Employee performance management. Predictive HR analytics can forecast a team member’s future performance based on historical performance data. This helps the HR team identify high-performing people who could be potential successors for critical roles, and can help them discover why others may be lagging behind.
Employee engagement and wellbeing. Predictive analytics has the ability to uncover issues that affect employee engagement. HR professionals can identify people who may be at risk of burnout or other mental health issues by monitoring factors like workload and working hours. HR can then provide targeted support and resources to those in need.
How does predictive analytics help human resources?
Predictive HR analytics assists organizations in anticipating challenges so they can:
Avoid risk
Reduce human error
Forecast the typical employee profile that’ll thrive in the organization
Enhance recruitment practices
Encourage optimal work performance
Ultimately, predictive HR analytics helps HR leaders make crystal-clear decisions that can increase overall profit and nurture employee motivation, retention, engagement, and productivity.
What is the difference between predictive and descriptive HR analytics?
Descriptive HR analytics involves examining historical HR data to get a thorough understanding of what has happened within an organization and why.
Predictive HR analytics, on the other hand, goes beyond this and analyzes historical data and past trends to predict what will happen in the future—giving an organization the chance to take preventive measures or to seize opportunities as they arise. Organizations that use both predictive and descriptive forms of people analytics set themselves up to achieve the greatest impact.
How do you implement a successful predictive HR analytics system?
HR leaders can spearhead effective predictive HR analytics using the following tips:
Define business objectives. HR leaders can collaborate with their teams to identify long-term company goals, with team members also helping determine the relevant metrics that support the achievement of these objectives.
Ensure a thorough understanding. Predictive HR analytics is a complex field, and HR professionals unfamiliar with data science can feel intimidated by it. However, providing consistent and diverse learning options for your entire HR team can mitigate their discomfort with the subject, elevate understanding, and encourage continual employee development. One way to do this is to encourage your HR team to familiarize themselves with the fundamental reasoning driving each analytics algorithm. HR can also involve a data scientist or bring an HR data analyst on board to ensure optimal functioning of the predictive analytics process.
Address ethical considerations. To avoid unfair discriminatory treatment of employees, predictive analytics teams can pre-empt possible ethical issues that may arise. Companies could intentionally or unintentionally mistreat specific demographics within the workforce or perhaps show favoritism to certain team members due to illegitimate data-driven reasoning. Thus, transparently adhering to the company’s code of conduct and the HR code of ethics is paramount. People need to know that their employers are treating them fairly to feel engaged and motivated to thrive.
Harness the power of predictive analytics. HR leaders can maximize predictive analytics by applying it to specific objectives. For example, HR leaders can incorporate predictive analytics to design an effective career development program that addresses competency gaps and future competency needs, allowing them to train people in their desired learning trajectory.
How can predictive HR analytics improve company culture?
Predictive HR analytics offers a way to help leaders make informed decisions that nurture an enthusiastic and high-performing workforce. Effective and ethical use of HR analytics can empower companies to identify, hire, engage, and retain quality professionals who align with the company culture and are excited to contribute to its growth.
Choosing the right predictive HR analytics tool for your business
Selecting the right people analytics software is a crucial step for HR professionals and organizations to take, so that they’re able to reap all the rewards of HR predictive analytics.
The choice of tool should align with specific business needs, resources, and objectives. There are a few key things to keep in mind to be able to make an informed decision:
Integration. Can the tool seamlessly integrate with your existing HR systems? Compatibility and ease of data transfer are essential for accurate predictive modeling.
Scalability. The right tool will be able to expand your predictive HR analytics efforts as your organization expands.
User-friendly interface. Look for tools that offer intuitive dashboards, visualizations, and reporting features, making it easy for HR professionals to access and interpret insights.
Explainability. Ensure that the tool provides explanations for its predictions. That way, your HR team can understand why certain predictions are made and take appropriate actions.
Data security and compliance. HR data often includes sensitive and confidential information. Make sure the tool adheres to data privacy regulations and has security measures to protect your data.
Support and training. Consider the level of support and training provided by the tool’s vendor. Adequate training and ongoing support are essential for HR teams to effectively use the tool and maximize its benefits.
Cost and ROI. Evaluate the total cost of ownership, including licensing fees, implementation costs, and ongoing maintenance expenses. Calculate the potential return on investment by estimating how the tool’s insights can positively impact HR outcomes and organizational performance.
User feedback and reviews. Seek feedback from HR professionals who have used the tool and read reviews from other organizations in your industry. Their experiences can provide valuable insights into the tool’s strengths and weaknesses.
By carefully considering these factors, you can empower your HR team with a predictive workforce analytics tool that enhances decision-making, drives HR strategies, and contributes to overall business success.
【伦敦】创新数字健康平台 Vitrue Health 完成了400万美元的融资
在推动职场健康方面迈出重要步伐的同时,伦敦的创新数字健康平台 Vitrue Health 最近宣布,成功完成了400万美元的融资。这次资金的增加,将公司总融资额提升至700万美元,标志着该公司在打击职场肌肉骨骼问题(MSK disorders)方面迈出了关键一步。
Vitrue Health 以其针对普遍存在且因混合式和远程工作模式日益严重的肌肉骨骼健康(MSK health)问题的创新方法,在健康科技领域脱颖而出。该公司的数字平台 Vitrue VIDA,采用最前沿的计算机视觉和生物力学分析技术,提供个性化、基于数据的健康评估,旨在不仅减轻肌肉骨骼疼痛,还确保远程、办公室及混合型团队符合显示屏设备(DSE)健康标准。
近期的融资轮由行业领导者 MC Ventures 和 Hambro Perks 领投,同时得到了 Simplyhealth Ventures、Crista Galli Ventures 以及科技创业者 Chris Bruce 的重要支持,这反映了市场对 Vitrue Health 使命和技术实力的高度认可。这笔新资金将被用于实施雄心勃勃的扩展战略,计划扩大团队并将服务推广到美国和欧洲。
在 CEO Shane Lowe 的领导下,Vitrue Health 不仅是一家公司,它更象征着朝着更健康、更高效的劳动力前进的运动。通过着眼于解决肌肉骨骼不适的根源,该平台正彻底改变企业如何关注员工健康与安全。这一策略已经获得了包括 Bupa、NHS、Hastings Direct 和 Campari 等著名机构的信任,证明了平台的有效性和扩展能力。
在全球工作方式趋向更加灵活的今天,Vitrue Health 的解决方案变得尤为重要。该公司致力于利用科技改善职场健康,这一承诺展示了创新在促进更安全、更舒适和更高效的工作环境方面的巨大潜力。
随着 Vitrue Health 的不断发展和进步,它的旅程成为了在持续对抗职场相关健康问题中,希望与创新的象征。这家开拓者公司的未来前景光明,因为它正引领着全球企业将肌肉骨骼健康作为重中之重。
【HR术语】什么是学习管理系统?(What is a learning management system?)
学习管理系统(LMS)是公司用来培训和教育员工、客户和业务伙伴的一种软件。传统的工作培训计划需要亲自参加,耗时数小时或数天。但 LMS 技术简化了这一学习过程。
它为教育内容提供一站式服务,提供包括视频、程序、课程、测验和指南在内的学习选项。这些内容可以是实时的,也可以是录制的,因此身处不同地点、时区和公司的个人都能轻松获取。公司使用 LMS 的目的是:
报告和分析。LMS 可提供有关学员进度、完成率和评估结果的数据,帮助管理员做出明智的决策。
设备兼容性。许多 LMS 都对移动设备友好,学习者可以使用智能手机和平板电脑访问内容和参与课程。
企业 LMS。专为员工培训和发展而设计,具有合规跟踪、技能差距分析和绩效管理等功能。
开源 LMS。这些平台可定制且免费使用,为希望根据自身具体需求定制系统的组织提供了灵活性。
基于云的 LMS。这些在线学习管理系统由云端托管,具有可扩展性,可从任何有互联网连接的地方进行访问。
托管式 LMS。企业可以将这些 LMS 平台安装在本地服务器或硬件上,从而实现完全控制。
LMS 通常会生成关于学习者表现和课程效果的报告,因此管理层可以跟踪学习进度。管理员可以利用这些数据进行改进。
评估可扩展性。考虑 LMS 能否满足您当前和未来的需求。
考虑预算。确定 LMS 的预算,包括初始设置成本和持续维护费用。
确保用户界面友好。确保 LMS 为管理员和学员提供直观的界面。易用性是采用的关键。
检查内容兼容性。检查 LMS 是否支持您计划提供的内容类型,如多媒体和互动元素。
测试集成能力。如果计划将 LMS 与其他系统集成,请确保它能与这些系统协同工作。
评估 LMS 培训和支持。评估不同学习管理系统供应商提供的培训和支持水平。
在内部推广 LMS。要想从 LMS 中获益,每个人都必须参与进来。人力资源专业人员可以采用不同的方法来激励专业人员使用 LMS,例如游戏化、激励措施,以及提前几个月让他们做好使用新 LMS 的准备。
收集反馈。员工的反馈意见至关重要,因为了解团队成员喜欢和不喜欢 LMS 的哪些方面,人力资源领导者就能对 LMS 进行调整,使其更加个性化和用户友好。
与管理人员沟通。为鼓励员工顺利过渡到 LMS,应与管理人员保持定期沟通。支持他们适应和调整新的 LMS,有助于他们带领团队接受新系统。
将 LMS 与传统学习相结合。不应忽视标准的面对面培训。例如,互动式小组研讨会和在职培训仍然很有价值,而且可能正是团队成员所需要的学习方式。人力资源领导者可以使用学习管理系统来补充传统的学习方法,并监控专业人员的学习进度。
人力资源学习管理系统用途广泛。以下是一些与 HiBob 集成的平台示例及其部分功能:
360 学习。一个协作式学习平台,可帮助创建个性化的入职体验。
Learnster。一个具有多种用途的 LMS,包括合规性培训,使团队成员了解最新的法律要求和行业标准。
Learn Amp。支持学习和发展的平台。它通过提供具有明确发展路线的发展计划,帮助企业留住顶尖人才。
Auzmor。一个 LMS,专门通过预建和定制课程来提高组织专业人员的技能。
eloomi. 该平台帮助企业创建在线培训学院,提高员工参与度和客户满意度。
说到 LMS,有几种未来趋势将重塑专业人员的学习与发展:
增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)。AR 和 VR 技术将增强身临其境的学习体验。
LMS 在培训组织的专业人员及其客户和业务合作伙伴方面可以发挥关键作用。通过了解选择标准和新兴趋势,以及常见的 LMS 类型及其功能,企业将能充分获得学习与发展的好处。
What is a learning management system?
A learning management system (LMS) is a type of software that companies use to train and educate employees, clients, and business partners. Traditionally, work training programs would take place in person over a few hours or days. But LMS technology streamlines this learning process.
It provides a one-stop shop for educational content, offering learning options including videos, programs, courses, quizzes, and guides. The content can be live or recorded so individuals in different locations, time zones, and companies can easily access it. Companies use LMSs to:
Create informational content
Organize it in a centralized digital location
Deliver it directly to the targeted audience
Monitor learning progress
Facilitate learning collaboration
Why should HR leaders care about a learning management system?
Learning management system software provides customized, informative content to engage, motivate, and develop the workforce while boosting productivity and retention. An LMS promotes professional growth in the workforce—propelling the company forward toward reaching its business goals. LMSs can optimize HR functions such as:
Job and compliance training
Skills gap analysis
Learning and development
Common learning management system features and components
LMSs vary depending on the needs of the organization. They offer a wide range of features designed to enhance the learning experience and streamline administrative tasks.
Some common features and components include:
User management. Administrators can manage user profiles, roles, and permissions so that learners have access to the appropriate courses and materials.
Course creation. Instructors can create, organize, and deliver courses. They can upload different types of content, set assignments, and manage grading.
Reporting and analytics. An LMS provides data on learner progress, completion rates, and assessment results, helping administrators make informed decisions.
Device compatibility. Many LMSs are mobile-friendly, allowing learners to access content and participate in courses using smartphones and tablets.
Types of learning management systems
There are a number of different types of LMS:
Corporate LMSs. Tailored for employee training and development, they include features like compliance tracking, skills gap analysis, and performance management.
Open-source LMSs. These platforms are customizable and free to use, providing flexibility for organizations that want to tailor the system to their specific needs.
Cloud-based LMSs. The cloud hosts these online learning management systems, offering scalability and accessibility from anywhere with an internet connection.
Hosted LMSs. Organizations can install these LMS platforms on local servers or hardware, giving them full control.
How do learning management systems work?
Learners and instructors can access an enterprise’s learning management system by creating user accounts.
These platforms may have pre-built courses or may allow organizations to easily build their own. Instructors upload course materials for learners on the platform, such as text, videos, quizzes, and assignments.
An LMS usually generates reports on learner performance and course effectiveness, so management can track progress. Administrators can use this data to make improvements.
How to choose the best learning management system
Define your objectives. Clearly outline your learning objectives and the desired outcomes.
Assess scalability. Consider whether the LMS can accommodate your current and future needs.
Consider your budget. Determine your budget for the LMS, including initial setup costs and ongoing maintenance fees.
Ensure a user-friendly interface. Ensure that the LMS has an intuitive interface for both administrators and learners. Usability is crucial for adoption.
Check content compatibility. Check that the LMS supports the types of content you plan to deliver, such as multimedia and interactive elements.
Test integration capabilities. If you plan to integrate the LMS with other systems, make sure it’s able to work with them.
Assess LMS training and support. Evaluate the level of training and support provided by different learning management system vendors.
How to successfully implement a learning management system
Choose wisely. Because there are a dizzying number of LMSs, HR leaders must focus on why they want to incorporate an LMS and how it will help them reach their goals. What’s more, understanding different learning styles helps leaders select a program that will promote growth and higher performance among the workforce.
Promote the LMS internally. To reap the benefits of an LMS, everyone must be on board. HR professionals can incorporate different methods to motivate professionals to use the LMS, such as gamification, incentives, and preparing them for the new LMS a few months ahead of time.
Gather feedback. Employee feedback is crucial, as understanding what team members like and dislike about the LMS enables HR leaders to adjust the LMS to be more personalized and user-friendly.
Check in with managers. To encourage a smooth transition into the LMS, maintain regular communication with managers. Supporting their adaptation and adjustment to the new LMS will help them lead their teams to embrace the new system.
Fuse the LMS with traditional learning. Standard, in-person training shouldn’t be disregarded. For example, interactive group workshops and on-the-job training are still worthwhile and may be just the learning style team members need. HR leaders can use an LMS to complement traditional learning methods and monitor the progress of professionals.
How can a learning management system improve company culture?
Enabling professionals to develop their knowledge and skills can nurture meaning in the workplace, improve their performance, and boost their value to the company. Supporting employee development allows companies to build a learning culture that facilitates business growth while keeping up with the rapidly changing world of work.
Learning management system examples and use cases
An HR learning management system can have a wide range of uses. Below are some examples of platforms that integrate with HiBob and some of their capabilities:
360learning. A collaborative learning platform that can help with creating a personalized onboarding experience.
Learnster. An LMS with a variety of uses including compliance training that keeps team members up to date with legal requirements and industry standards.
Learn Amp. A platform that supports learning and development. It’s helped organizations retain top talent by offering development programs with clear routes for progression.
Auzmor. An LMS that specializes in upskilling an organization’s professionals with both pre-built and custom courses.
eloomi. A platform that has helped businesses create online training academies that improve employee engagement and customer satisfaction.
Future trends in learning management systems
When it comes to LMSs, there are several future trends that will reshape learning and development for professionals:
AI and personalization. AI in LMSs will offer personalized learning paths, recommendations, and instant assessments—saving instructors time.
Microlearning. Attention spans are only getting shorter. Brief, focused content modules will become the norm, catering to learners’ busy schedules.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). AR and VR technologies will enhance immersive learning experiences.
Social learning. Social features within LMSs, such as integration with social media, chat functions, and forums will make it easier for team members to collaborate and share knowledge.
Reap the benefits of a learning management system
LMSs can play a pivotal role in training an organization’s professionals as well as its customers and business partners. By understanding selection criteria and emerging trends, along with common types of LMSs and their features, organizations will be able to fully reap the benefits of learning and development.
【HR术语】什么是绩效管理?(What is performance management?)
确定一个框架。确定一种绩效管理方法,既能实现相关目标,又能准确适应被评估的个人职位。例如,人力资源部门可以实施 360 度审查来衡量人员的发展,同时使用目标管理(MBO)来评估主管的成就。
始终如一。员工与经理之间的例行检查能让双方保持联系。小范围的非正式会议可以让专业人员随时了解自己的工作表现: 当季度绩效考核来临时,他们可以随时消化收到的反馈。
学习管理系统(LMS)。当一个人难以达到最佳表现时,他们可能需要额外的培训来支持他们。LMS 平台是提供培训和发展计划的绝佳工具,可以提高他们的技能。
What is performance management?
Performance management is a method of tracking professionals’ work performance and developing their skills so they can contribute effectively toward department and company goals.
Performance management involves three phases that encourage individuals to improve their performance level:
Planning. Establishing and measuring individual goals that also align with company objectives allows HR to assess a professional’s improvements.
Check-in. Managers and team members should meet regularly to engage in two-way conversations about areas for improvement and progress.
Review. Frequent check-ins throughout the year prepare managers and professionals for quarterly or biannual performance reviews. These meetings help managers accurately assess people’s progress, achievements, and performance.
Common steps in performance management
Setting expectations. Performance management begins with establishing clear, specific, and measurable expectations for your people. This involves defining job roles, responsibilities, and performance goals.
Continuous feedback. Regular feedback is essential for professional growth and development. This entails ongoing communication between managers and team members to discuss progress, address concerns, and offer guidance. Timely feedback ensures that people can make the necessary adjustments to meet performance expectations.
Performance evaluation. Regular performance evaluations are an important part of performance management. During these evaluations, team members are assessed based on their performance against the established expectations.
Professional development. HR leaders and managers can collaborate with individual contributors to create development plans—which may include training, mentoring, and additional responsibilities—to enhance skills and competencies.
Recognition and rewards. Recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance maintains people’s motivation and engagement.
Why is performance management important?
Providing professionals with practical ways to better their work performance through consistent, corrective feedback empowers them during their development journey. A well-planned, standardized approach to performance management can increase:
Retention. Performance management creates a more satisfying work experience for people and challenges them in a positive way—keeping them engrossed in their work and boosting retention.
Employee engagement. When professionals see that their efforts are recognized and rewarded, they become more engaged and committed to their work and the organization.
Productivity. Clear performance expectations and regular feedback improve individual as well as organizational productivity, increasing revenue.
Implementing a performance management strategy that encourages individuals to achieve more and increase their contributions can foster their autonomy and motivation.
What can HR leaders do to establish effective performance management?
HR leaders can use the following performance management best practices to help individuals sharpen their skills and develop their careers:
Decide on a framework. Identify a performance management method that addresses relevant goals and accurately fits the individual positions under evaluation. For example, HR may implement a 360-degree review to gauge personnel development while using management by objectives (MBO) to assess supervisors’ achievements.
Take a positive approach. Treating people with goodwill and empathy sets the groundwork for check-ins that can inspire positive growth. Rather than leaving a professional with a load of unhelpful, negative feedback, managers should clarify expectations and coach individuals on how to progress.
Train managers. Managers are the key players in ensuring successful performance management. The way they interact with team members can either inspire them to elevate their performance or demoralize and deflate them. Educating managers to coach their people can positively impact engagement and productivity.
Be consistent. Routine employee-manager check-ins enable both parties to maintain a connection. Bite-sized, informal meetings allow professionals to keep a finger on the pulse of their work performance: When the quarterly performance review rolls around, they can readily digest the feedback they receive.
Tracking performance management metrics
Keeping an eye on the appropriate metrics can make it easier to track the impact of a performance management strategy. Key employee performance metrics to monitor include:
Work efficiency. Measuring how much work a person can complete within a certain period of time can indicate what can be rewarded and where there’s room for improvement.
Revenue per employee. Calculating how much revenue a professional generates within a particular time period can give a more accurate picture of their performance.
Errors. If a team member is committing a large number of errors and the quality of their work is suffering, it can be a sign that they’re struggling and need more training and support.
Absenteeism. Measuring how often and for how long a professional is absent from work can demonstrate their impact on a team and their productivity.
Overtime. This is an important metric for managing performance as it can help employers prevent burnout within their organization. If someone regularly works more than their standard hours it can indicate that they have too much to do or that they feel a lot of pressure to overachieve.
Performance management tools
There are a variety of tools available to help HR leaders and organizations manage performance effectively:
360-degree feedback software. This type of software gathers feedback on professionals from their colleagues, managers, and other members of the organization to provide a comprehensive view of their performance.
Performance appraisal software. These platforms help managers automate performance evaluations, set goals, and track the progress of professionals.
Learning management systems (LMS). When a person is struggling to perform at their best, they may need additional training to support them. LMS platforms are an excellent tool for delivering training and development programs that can enhance their skills.
Employee recognition software. Recognition at work can strongly influence people’s performance. Employee recognition software makes it easy to establish a culture that acknowledges and incentivizes people who consistently meet or exceed performance expectations.
How does performance management improve company culture?
A performance management system that empowers people to reach their potential is a core component of company success. Providing individuals with regular encouragement, support, and direction enables them to become contributing, thriving members of the company. As a result, these engaged professionals can help build a healthy, flourishing work culture.