• 提高员工参与度
    【英国】就业支持软件公司Earlybird AI获得62.5万英镑种子轮融资,利用语音优先的人工智能软件解决失业问题 Earlybird AI 是一家总部位于英国伦敦的就业支持软件公司,已获得 62.5万英镑的种子轮融资。 支持者包括谷歌初创公司(Google for Startups)、Impact Shakers、Resolution Ventures、Ada Ventures、Syndicate Room's Access(数据驱动型超级天使基金)、Lightbulb Trust,以及一系列女性天使投资人,包括Andrea Sinclair(2022年英国BAA年度天使投资人)、Berthe Haile(前摩根大通NED)和Pip Wilson(amicable创始人)。 公司打算利用这笔资金提高技术能力,加强由联合创始人兼首席技术官Boris Bambo领导的技术团队,并通过扩大客户群来扩大业务范围。 Earlybird AI 的平台利用语音人工智能助理与求职者互动。求职者可以与助手互动,分享个人和职业生活的细节。人工智能会对这些回答进行分析,找出可能阻碍求职或就业的关键挑战和需求。 “对我们来说,这是一个非常激动人心的时刻。我们非常高兴能够得到投资者的信任和支持,以解决一个重大危机--数百万人没有就业或完全失业。我们看到员工流失率很高,有时甚至高达 300%,对员工的需求从未像现在这样大。Earlybird AI 创始人兼首席执行官 Claudine Adeyemi-Adams 表示:"我们的技术能够帮助组织深入了解这些人的需求,使他们获得更好的支持,从而提高他们的参与度,让更多人获得并维持工作。 “我们很高兴能加入 Earlybird 的旅程。90%的公司雇用一线工人,但这一领域一直被忽视,而且仍有巨大潜力改善数十亿人的生活。Impact Shakers Ventures 全球合伙人Alina Klarner表示:"作为一家影响力基金,这正是我们所寻找的影响力潜力,我们相信克劳迪娅和鲍里斯是实现这一目标的完美创始人。 关于Earlybird AI  Earlybird AI 是一家就业支持软件公司,由首席执行官Claudine Adeyemi-Adams领导,利用人工智能和语音技术改造向失业和低薪一线工人提供就业支持的方式,提高参与度、效率和效益。公司推出了支持阿拉伯语等语言的语音功能,帮助母语不是英语的人更轻松地获得高质量的服务。
  • 提高员工参与度
    【HR术语】什么是工资总额?(What are gross wages?) 什么是工资总额? 工资总额指的是从工资单中扣税前赚取的金额,是人们在接受一份工作时同意的月薪。在工资条上,工资总额位于页面底部,通常字体较大。 工资总额包括哪些内容? 工资总额包括员工的所有收入,其中包括: 工资或小时工资 佣金或奖金 加班费 小费 假期或病假工资 计件工资(按项目或单位计算) 例如,雇主支付 60,000 美元+两次年度奖金 3,000 美元。年工资总额为 66,000 美元。 如何计算工资总额? 对于小时工 小时工资 x 工资期内的工作小时数 = 每工资期的工资总额 如果有人加班,也应计算在内: 工资期内的加班小时数 x 加班小时工资 = 加班工资 确定受薪员工的工资总额: 年薪/每年发薪期数 = 每发薪期工资总额 工资总额和净工资有什么区别? 毛工资总是高于净工资。 换句话说,一个人接受的工薪金额要高于他带回家的金额。工资总额包括税前报酬,而工资净额是从工资单中扣除以下税项后的剩余金额 联邦、州或地方所得税 社会保险和医疗保险 工资扣款 医疗保险计划 退休基金 人力资源领导为什么要关心工资总额? 作为人力资源专业人士,您的首要目标是管理员工并满足他们的需求。但是,由于薪酬从根本上与工作挂钩,因此需要给予相当大的关注。 了解了工资总额及其工作原理,您就能更好地进行薪酬管理,从而吸引新员工并吸引现有员工。 人力资源领导者如何才能成功管理工资总额? 了解公司的工资制度。即使你与法律团队合作,你仍然需要了解员工的工资。这样你才能为公司和员工争取权益。 处理薪酬的人性化问题。工资总额通常反映了雇主对员工的重视程度以及员工的价值感,无论是否准确。在决定每个职位具有竞争力的工资总额时,要考虑预算和员工参与策略。 鼓励员工讨论自己的薪酬。学习文化可以提高员工的参与度、生产力和留任率。当专业人员掌握了技能并提升了自身价值时,他们自然会希望获得更高的工资。为鼓励员工自在地讨论更高的薪酬选择,应积极倾听并培养员工的心理安全感。 为什么要将适当管理工资总额作为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 在遵守法律的前提下向员工支付具有竞争力的工资总额,是吸引高素质、高技能专业人才的先决条件。有吸引力的薪酬不仅能树立企业的声誉,还能培养一支高效、敬业的员工队伍。 以下为文章原文: What are gross wages? Gross wages refer to the amount of money earned before taxes are withheld from a paycheck and are the monthly salary people agree to when accepting a job. On a pay stub, gross wages are at the bottom of the page—usually in a larger font. What is included in gross wages? Gross wages comprise everything an employee earns, including: Salary or hourly wages Commission or bonuses Overtime Tips Vacation or sick pay Piece rate pay (per project or per unit) Let’s say, for example, an employer pays $60,000 + two annual bonuses of $3,000. Annual gross wages will be $66,000. How do you calculate gross wages? For hourly workers: hourly rate x the hours worked during the pay period = gross wages per pay period If someone works overtime, include that as well: Overtime hours worked during a pay period x the overtime hourly rate = overtime wages To determine the gross wages for salaried employees: Annual salary/number of pay periods per year = gross wages per pay period What’s the difference between gross and net wages? Gross wages are always higher than net wages. In other words, the amount of money a person accepts as the job salary is more than the amount they take home. While gross wages comprise compensation before taxes, net wages are the amount remaining after taxes are withheld from the paycheck for Federal, state, or local income tax Social Security and Medicare Wage garnishments Health insurance plans Retirement funds Why should HR leaders care about gross wages? As an HR professional, your primary objective is to manage people and address their needs. But, because compensation is fundamentally tied to work, it needs considerable attention. Understanding gross wages and how they work enables you to practice better compensation management for attracting new people and engaging your current workforce. What can HR leaders do to administer gross wages successfully? Understand the company wage system. Even if you’re working with a legal team, you still need to know people’s salaries. This enables you to advocate for your company and your people. Handle the human side of compensation. Gross wages often reflect —whether accurately or not—how much the employer values its people and how valued they feel. Consider the budget and employee engagement strategies when deciding on competitive gross wages for each position. Encourage people to discuss their salaries. A learning culture can promote engagement, productivity, and retention. When professionals upskill and increase their value, they will naturally want higher wages. To encourage your people to feel comfortable discussing higher salary options, practice active listening, and nurture psychological safety. Why should proper administration of gross wages be a part of modern HR strategy? Paying people competitive gross salaries while complying with the law is a prerequisite for attracting quality, skilled professionals. Not only do attractive salaries build your reputation, but they also build a productive and engaged workforce.
  • 提高员工参与度
    【HR术语】什么是员工幸福感?(What is employee happiness?) 什么是员工幸福感? 员工幸福感是一个相当直观的概念,指的是对自己的工作抱有积极的态度和看法。快乐的人在工作场所会感到兴奋。他们喜欢自己的工作和与之共事的人。他们的员工参与度和工作满意度都很高。 但是,员工幸福感是一个相对简单的概念,并不意味着它很容易在你的组织中实现。这需要人力资源专业人士深思熟虑,在整个员工生命周期中努力创造积极的员工体验。 为什么员工幸福感很重要? 只要看一看一些员工幸福感的统计数据,就会发现它是组织成功的一个基本要素。从根本上说,如果你想吸引和留住顶尖人才,就必须把员工的幸福感放在首位。 从数据来看,如果发现公司员工普遍不开心,69% 的人会拒绝接受工作邀请。此外,75% 的不快乐员工希望离开目前的岗位。 员工幸福感与工作效率之间有什么关系? 员工幸福感与工作效率之间也有重要关系,幸福的专业人士比不幸福的同行工作效率高出 20%。一项调查证明了幸福感与工作表现之间的联系,调查显示,工作表现出色的人比工作表现不佳的人要幸福大约 15%。 如何衡量员工的幸福感? 由于员工幸福感在工作场所中的重要性显而易见,人力资源领导者显然必须优先开始衡量员工幸福感。作为一种定性衡量标准,衡量员工幸福感的最佳方法是使用员工幸福感调查。 这种工具也称为员工满意度调查,它使用各种问题来探究组织中的员工对自己的角色、团队、经理、公司等的满意程度。 员工幸福感调查中可以包含的问题有 你觉得自己与同事之间有联系吗? 你与经理的关系积极吗? 你在工作中感到得到认可和奖励吗? 你对自己的角色满意吗? 你对公司文化满意吗? 为确保调查尽可能高效,请使用专为衡量员工工作满意度而设计的员工调查工具。 如何提高员工幸福感? 了解员工的幸福感水平后,下一步就是制定旨在提高员工幸福感的战略。众所周知,有许多因素会影响员工的幸福感,您可以针对这些因素改善员工在组织中的体验。可以采取的一些措施有 给予认可和奖励。82%的成年雇员认为表彰是他们工作幸福感的重要组成部分,因此,如果你还没有制定员工表彰和奖励计划,那么现在是时候制定一个了。 提供灵活的工作安排。在 COVID 大流行之后,工作与生活的平衡以及灵活的工作安排一再成为职场人士日益重视的问题。 帮助员工成长和发展。现代职业人士不甘心年复一年地做着同样的工作而毫无进步。投资于员工的职业生涯并提供职业发展机会,是提升幸福感的绝佳途径。 发展人际关系。说到快乐,牢固的人际关系就是一切,70% 的在职专业人士表示,在工作中拥有朋友是快乐工作生活的最关键因素。 为什么员工幸福感应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 为员工的幸福感投资不仅仅是一项加分项:而是必须的。投资于员工的幸福感有助于提高招聘、留住人才、生产率和绩效等各个方面。为了建立一个健康、高绩效的组织,现代人力资源专业人员必须优先考虑衡量和提高员工的幸福感。 以下为文章原文: What is employee happiness? Employee happiness is a fairly straightforward concept referring to the state of having a positive attitude and outlook on one’s work. Happy people are excited to go to their workplace. They enjoy what they do and the people they work with. They have high levels of employee engagement and job satisfaction. But just because employee happiness is a relatively simple idea doesn’t mean it’s easy to achieve in your organization. It requires deliberate thought and effort from HR professionals to create a positive employee experience throughout the entire employee lifecycle. Why is employee happiness important? A quick look at some employee happiness statistics reveals that it is an essential element of organizational success. Essentially, if you want to be able to attract and retain top talent, you’ll have to make your people’s happiness a priority. Taking a look at the numbers, 69 percent of people will reject a job offer if they find out that the company’s employees are generally unhappy. In addition, 75 percent of unhappy employees want to leave their current roles. What’s the relationship between employee happiness and productivity? There is also an important relationship between employee happiness and productivity, as happy professionals are 20 percent more productive than their unhappy counterparts. One survey demonstrates the link between happiness and performance, showing that people with excellent performance are about 15 percent happier at work than those with poor performance. How can you measure employee happiness? With the apparent importance of employee happiness in the workplace, it becomes clear that HR leaders must make it a priority to start measuring employee happiness. As a qualitative measure, the best approach to measure employee happiness is to use an employee happiness survey. Also called an employee satisfaction survey, this tool uses a variety of questions to explore how happy the people in an organization are with their role, team, manager, company, and more. Some great questions to include in an employee happiness survey are: Do you feel connected to your co-workers? Do you have a positive relationship with your manager? Do you feel recognized and rewarded at work? Are you satisfied with your role? Are you happy with the company culture? To ensure your survey is as efficient as possible, use an employee survey tool designed specifically for measuring your people’s satisfaction with work. How can you improve employee happiness? Once you have a sense of your people’s happiness levels, the next step is to build a strategy aimed at increasing employee happiness. There are many factors known to contribute to employee happiness that you can address to improve the employee experience at your organization. Some steps to take are: Give recognition and rewards. Eight-two percent of employed adults consider recognition an important part of their happiness at work, so if you don’t already have an employee recognition and reward program in place, now is the time to build one. Offer flexible work arrangements. In the aftermath of the COVID pandemic, work-life balance and flexible work arrangements have repeatedly emerged as an increasingly important priority for people in the workplace. Help people grow and develop. The modern professional isn’t happy staying in the same job with no progress year after year. Investing in people’s careers and providing professional development opportunities is an excellent way to boost happiness. Develop relationships. When it comes to happiness, strong relationships are everything, with 70 percent of employed professionals saying that having friends at work is the most crucial element to a happy working life. Why should employee happiness be part of modern HR strategy? Investing in employee happiness isn’t just a plus: It’s a must. Investing in your people’s happiness helps with everything from hiring and retention to productivity and performance. For a healthy, high-performing organization, the modern HR professional must make it a priority to both measure and improve employee happiness.
  • 提高员工参与度
    【美国】员工辅导平台Rising Team获得800万美元A轮融资,推出个性化AI领导力教练,打造高绩效团队 团队绩效平台Rising Team宣布完成800万美元的A轮融资。本轮融资由 Zeal Capital Partners 领投,此前的投资者包括 Peterson Ventures、Roble Ventures、Female Founders Fund、Burst Capital 和 Supernode Ventures。这笔投资使 Rising Team 能够利用人工智能增强其团队绩效平台,雇佣新的团队成员,并扩大其市场影响力。 Rising Team 解决了混合式和分布式工作场所的领导者在建立高度信任、高绩效团队方面所面临的挑战。随着效率要求的不断提高,中层管理者面临着 “少花钱多办事 ”的压力,根据 Gartner 的报告,75% 的中层管理者感到力不从心。因此,Rising Team(帮助各级管理人员提高团队效率、加强信任和联系)就显得尤为重要。 Rising Team 软件使管理者能够领导科学支持的团队发展研讨会和建立联系的练习,从而增加信任和提高绩效,而无需外聘主持人。通过开展这些由软件指导的团队会议,Rising Team 的客户发现员工参与度、心理安全、eNPS 和管理效率都有显著提高。今年夏天,Rising Team 将推出会话式人工智能领导力教练 aRTi,它将基于研究的领导力最佳实践与从 Rising Team 课程中收集的有关团队成员个人的独特见解相结合。 "我们期望当今的领导者能够建立起敬业、高效的团队,即使是在分布式和混合型的工作场所。Rising Team 创始人兼首席执行官Jennifer Dulski说:"然而,尽管公司定期对员工敬业度进行评估,但经理们往往没有工具来帮助他们提高敬业度。Rising Team创始人兼首席执行官Jennifer Dulski说:"我们很高兴能得到Zeal Capital的支持,因为我们将加强我们的平台,让各级管理者都能提高团队的参与度、联系和绩效。Rising Team将深层次的人际关系与直观的人工智能功能相结合,为组织内部的每一位领导者和团队提供支持,从而帮助领导者提高工作效率。 Rising Team 的客户包括财富 500 强的科技、制造和金融服务公司、中型企业和初创企业,以及政府机构和学校。通过开展 Rising Team 课程,客户实现了以下目标: 90%以上的团队成员表示他们感觉更有凝聚力 完成 4 次 Rising Team 课程后,eNPS 分数最多可提高 60 留任意愿提高 20-40 “团队发展工具在当今工作场所中的作用对于维护企业文化和盈利能力至关重要”,Zeal Capital Partners 创始人兼管理合伙人Nasir Qadree说。"我们公司致力于扩大业务规模,缩小技能差距,加强员工协作,而 Rising Team 正在通过率先开发团队绩效软件,增强中层管理人员和各级领导的能力,来执行这一战略。我们坚信公司的使命,并很高兴能投资 Rising Team 的下一阶段发展。 关于 Rising Team Rising Team 提供业界领先的团队绩效平台。其软件可帮助公司提高员工参与度和保留率,扩大人才发展规模,并改善文化和联系。该软件涵盖了推动高绩效团队发展的所有领导力主题,为管理者提供了所需的一切,使他们能够远程或面对面地举办深入沟通、有趣和互动的团队建设会议,而无需外聘主持人。包括夏威夷银行、雅虎、DXC、Achieve 等在内的领先企业正在使用 Rising Team 培养更强的管理者和更高绩效的团队。 关于Zeal Capital Partners Zeal Capital Partners是一家领先的风险投资公司,总部位于华盛顿特区,主要投资于建立持久公司的多元化管理团队,以产生高于市场水平的回报和影响力。行健投资与金融技术、就业途径和健康公平等垂直领域的创始人合作,帮助他们建立高增长的早期企业。行健投资由纳西尔-卡德里(Nasir Qadree)于 2020 年创立,利用其市场支持的包容性投资战略(Inclusive Investing™)缩小美国以及全球在财富、技能和医疗保健方面的差距。
  • 提高员工参与度
    【美国】劳动力管理平台Legion Technologies获得5000万美元融资,推动劳动力管理领域的持续创新 劳动力管理(WFM)领域的创新者Legion Technologies宣布完成了一轮5000万美元的增长融资,本轮融资由Riverwood Capital领投,Norwest、Stripes、Webb Investment Network和XYZ等现有投资者战略参投。本轮融资使Legion公司的融资总额达到1.45亿美元,将推动其市场推广和研发计划,为不断增长的全球客户群提供更好的劳动力管理体验。 预计到 2031 年,全球劳动力管理市场规模将达到 157 亿美元,这表明劳动力效率和参与度日益受到重视。随着企业致力于简化运营并为小时工创造更好的体验,Legion 不断推动行业现代化,致力于提供智能化、自动化和以员工为中心的产品。因此,它已成为 Rite Aid 和 Alo Yoga 等家喻户晓的品牌以及其他领先品牌和快速增长的连锁店首选的 WFM 平台。 “Legion的创立宗旨是通过同时简化劳动力运营和改善员工体验,将小时工变成好工作。这一新资本不仅加强了我们目标的重要性,而且验证了我们实现这一目标的能力,"Legion 创始人兼首席执行官 Sanish Mondkar 说。“Legion解决方案的智能自动化、以员工为中心的特性将我们推向了行业的前沿,有了这笔资金,我们可以进一步投资,在全球范围内为小时工创造更好的体验。” “Legion现代化、高精度的自动化劳动力管理解决方案使大型企业能够简化核心流程,获得运营优势,同时为一线员工提供卓越的体验,”Riverwood Capital联合创始人兼管理合伙人Francisco Alvarez-Demalde说。“在所有企业都在寻求提高效率并同时改善员工体验的时候,他们以先进的劳动力预测为动力的开创性方法已经起步。我们很高兴能与 Sanish 和卓越的 Legion 团队合作,他们正在推动下一代劳动力管理向前发展。 Legion将利用这笔资金推动劳动力管理领域的持续创新,包括对研发的深入投资和对Legion的InstantPay产品等解决方案的扩展。随着对劳动力管理智能自动化的日益关注,Legion 将通过新功能和更新来增强其行业领先的产品,以优化劳动力运营,生成更准确的人员配置计划,减少管理者在管理上花费的时间,并简化世界各地劳动法的合规性。根据市场趋势和持续反馈,这些努力将确保 WFM 平台极大地促进员工体验,在提高生产力的同时实现更大的灵活性。 这项投资还将使莱吉恩能够为其不断增长的国际客户群提供无缝支持,同时在其已服务的市场中实现更大的扩展。为了加速已经取得的巨大增长,这笔资金将增强 Legion 的市场推广计划,包括启动其欧洲 GTM 团队,并通过深化对制造业和医疗保健等行业的投资来支持其美国业务,以满足对其解决方案不断增长的需求。 此次增资是在 Legion 继续保持年同比大幅增长的同时进行的,并获得了包括奖项和高知名度合作伙伴在内的诸多行业荣誉。Legion 行业领先的 WFM 解决方案最近获得了最具创新性劳动力管理平台全球卓越奖、商业智能集团人工智能卓越奖、多个布兰登霍尔技术奖以及人工智能、元宇宙与虚拟--工作与生产力类别的威比奖提名。去年,公司还宣布与 SAP 建立正式合作伙伴关系,实现了 SAP SuccessFactors 与 Legion 平台的无缝集成,并首次推出了 140 多项新功能,其中最引人注目的是推出了新的生成式人工智能工具 Legion Copilot,该工具旨在提高员工的工作效率和学习能力。 在此次交易中,Piper Sandler 担任 Legion 的财务顾问,Jefferies 担任 Riverwood 的财务顾问。 关于Legion Technologies Legion Technologies 提供业内最具创新性的劳动力管理平台,使企业能够同时最大限度地提高劳动效率和员工参与度。屡获殊荣的原生人工智能乐工劳动力管理平台是智能化、自动化和以员工为中心的。事实证明,通过优化日程安排、减少自然减员、提高生产力和运营效率,该平台可带来 13 倍的投资回报率。Legion 通过易于使用的平台和移动应用程序提供尖端技术,深受员工喜爱。在 Riverwood Capital、Norwest Venture Partners、Stripes、First Round Capital、XYZ Ventures、Webb Investment Network、Workday Ventures 和 NTT DOCOMO Ventures 的支持下,Legion 被 Inc. 5000 和德勤 500 强排名中连续两年被评为美国发展最快的私营企业之一。 关于Riverwood Capital Riverwood Capital 投资于技术和技术驱动行业的高增长公司。Riverwood为投资组合公司提供运营、战略、技术和财务洞察力的独特组合,这些公司通常需要增长资本和专业知识来扩大全球规模。该公司寻求投资于拥有成熟技术和商业模式,并在文化和价值观方面契合的企业。Riverwood 成立于 2008 年,自成立以来已投资和支持了 80 多家公司。公司在加利福尼亚州门洛帕克、佛罗里达州迈阿密、纽约州纽约市和巴西圣保罗设有办事处
  • 提高员工参与度
    【纽约】礼品赠送平台提供商Snappy获得2500万美元D轮融资,提升员工收礼体验 Snappy 是纽约市的一家礼品赠送平台提供商,公司获得了 2500 万美元的 D 轮融资。 本轮融资由 Qumra Capital 领投,83North、Saban Ventures、Notable Capital 和 Hearst Ventures 参投。 公司打算利用这笔资金加强市场服务,加快创新技术的研发工作,并扩大产品范围。 在首席执行官Hani Goldstein的领导下,Snappy公司提供了一个送礼平台和一个精选市场,其中包括精选的高档礼品、30多个业务集成和创新的游戏化功能。作为《财富》百强企业中 47% 的合作伙伴,公司已在全球范围内提供了 500 多万件礼品。 在获得这笔投资之前,Snappy 在过去的一年里取得了显著的进步,包括自助服务产品的持续增长、礼品解决方案的扩展以及作为新收件人体验一部分的数字礼品猎取功能的推出。此外,新的 API 集成使客户能够简化操作,同时提高员工参与度。即将推出的计划包括推出体验式礼品 Snappy Experiences、宣布战略产品合作伙伴关系以及进一步提升用户体验。 关于Snappy Snappy 是一个送礼平台,它为送礼者省去了送礼的所有麻烦,让送礼变成了一键式体验,让收礼者体验到了送礼的乐趣和兴奋。它简化了表彰和奖励个人的流程,提供了一种方便快捷的方式,为各种场合(如生日、圣诞节、情人节等)发送个性化礼品。生日、节假日或成就等各种场合发送个性化礼品。通过 Snappy,用户可以从热门零售商和品牌的众多礼品卡选项中进行选择,定制信息,并实时跟踪礼品的交付和兑换情况。
  • 提高员工参与度
    【美国】人工智能技术公司GoodGist获得100万美元融资,应对企业技能危机 GoodGist是一家位于加利福尼亚州福斯特市的公司,专门从事企业技能开发和知识管理自动化,公司获得了 100 万美元的融资。 支持者包括 FortyTwo.VC、Cedar Ridge Ventures、DX Partners 以及来自微软和亚马逊等科技公司的天使投资人。 公司打算利用这笔资金在全球市场推出多语言平台,扩大团队以加强研发工作,并加强产品供应以缓解技能差距和信息过载问题。 GoodGist 公司由首席执行官Ruban Phukan领导,专注于企业技能开发,利用人工智能生成技术进行专业技能提升、再培训和知识管理。公司可以个性化和优化企业知识的使用,按需提供知识,提高员工的生产力和参与度。GoodGist的核心是一个专有的内容智能系统。 我们正在应对的挑战是巨大的。世界经济论坛强调了一个严峻的现实:到 2030 年,估计将有10 亿人需要提高技能或重新掌握技能。无所作为的代价不仅仅是个人潜能的泯灭,还可能给全球经济带来 8.5 万亿美元的损失。如今,技术技能的半衰期已缩短至 2.5 年。 在企业界,对知识的追求比以往任何时候都更加迫切。员工在学习过程中急功近利,往往认为传统的长篇内容耗时过长,缺乏人情味,无法在工作中立即应用。虽然深层次的学习材料有其作用,但它们无法满足员工对可立即应用的快速、可操作见解的需求。这种差距导致许多人求助于谷歌等搜索引擎,无意中陷入了信息过载的陷阱。海量的可用数据意味着员工每天要花费近三分之一的时间来筛选内容,极大地影响了工作效率。这个问题对经济的影响是惊人的,每年悄无声息地使企业损失约 300 多亿美元的生产力。 作为智能助手,我们的人工智能馆长了解用户的学习和知识发现需求,并代表他们进行在线研究。通过有效解析海量信息并只呈现最相关的结果,我们的技术大大缩短了员工的搜索时间。这一创新不仅应对了信息过载的挑战,还将员工的工作日调整为更具生产力的任务,在提高企业效率和学习成效方面实现了重大飞跃。 我们的使命很明确。我们的目标是为企业的学习与发展和知识管理带来亟需的教学变革,使及时的技能提升、技能再培训和知识发现变得高效、经济、可无限扩展,而且最重要的是,具有影响力。传统的企业技能发展方法已不再足够。成本高昂的在线课程的启动率和完成率都很低,这凸显出迫切需要进行模式转变--向超个性化、按需、快速、易获取的学习模式转变。这就是我们 GoodGist 公司的愿景。
  • 提高员工参与度
    劳动力管理供应商Protime收购人工智能技术初创公司Sheepblue,扩展欧洲劳动力规划能力 比利时时间登记和员工排班市场的领导者 Protime 收购了奥地利一家基于人工智能的劳动力规划初创公司 Sheepblue,从而加强了其劳动力规划能力。 这家总部位于维也纳的企业开发的软件工具旨在帮助需要精确计划能力的轮班行业,如制造业或物流业。 此次收购将 Protime 目前基于人工智能的劳动力规划能力扩展到了零售和酒店业之外,意味着该公司现在可以为所有类型的工人提供自动排班和规划软件。 随着 Sheepblue 软件在 Protime 劳动力管理平台上的推广,人工智能计划工具可以在劳动力调度中考虑法律框架、所选优化策略、所需工作时间和员工偏好等因素。 该软件还具有确定所需特定技能或在同事之间调换班次的功能。它将对 Protime 现有的人工智能工具起到补充作用,后者可以在考虑高峰时间、天气和人员配置水平等因素的基础上制定员工名册。 Protime 是比利时和荷兰最大的劳动力管理供应商之一,其目标是在其母公司、欧洲领先的人力资源服务供应商 SD Worx 开展业务的所有国家成为最大的劳动力管理供应商。 收购 Sheepblue 是 Protime 欧洲发展计划的一部分,在此之前,Protime 已在英国市场任命 Simon Garrity 为英国区经理,并于近期收购了西班牙劳动力调度企业 SoftMachine。 英国区经理 Simon Garrity 说:"通过此次收购,Protime 重申了其成为欧洲第一大劳动力管理供应商的长期目标。在英国市场,公司的目标是在未来两年内将客户群扩大两倍。 Protime 首席执行官 Gille Sebrechts 说:"我们的目标是在未来五年内将欧洲的客户群扩大一倍,达到 10,000 多家。我们已经是时间登记领域的市场领导者,我们希望在三年内成为劳动力调度领域的市场领导者。收购 Sheepblue 软件后,我们几乎拥有了适用于所有行业的计划工具。 欧洲劳动力管理软件市场每年将增长约 10%,越来越多的公司需要带有排班模块的集成劳动力管理工具。使用我们的工具,客户可以更准确地进行预测,限制人员过剩或不足、加班和人员计划错误。所有这些都能为他们节省大量成本。 由于流程是自动化的,他们在制定员工计划时可以节省大量时间。最后,这还能提高员工的参与度,因为他们欣赏工作安排的透明度和灵活性。 关于Protime  Protime是比利时和荷兰最大的劳动力管理供应商之一,其目标是在其母公司、欧洲领先的人力资源服务供应商 SD Worx 开展业务的所有国家成为最大的劳动力管理供应商。该软件公司雄心勃勃:希望在五年内将其欧洲客户群扩大一倍,达到 10,000 多家客户。Protime 专注于应用程序管理、数据管理、薪资与人力资源支持、定制培训计划、集成与自动化。
  • 提高员工参与度
    【HR术语】什么是员工忠诚度?(What is employee loyalty?) 什么是员工忠诚度? 员工忠诚度是指员工选择长期为公司工作,因为他们喜欢这样做。他们对工作环境感到满意,积极进取,为实现公司目标而努力工作,并相信企业的使命。如果忠诚的员工发现了其他地方的机会,他们就不太可能跳槽。 如果能提高员工忠诚度,不仅能提高员工保留率,还能对企业整体产生积极影响。 为什么员工忠诚度对企业很重要? 员工忠诚度对企业非常重要,因为它对有效的人力资本管理以及企业的整体成功有着巨大的影响。它能为企业带来诸多好处,包括: 提高利润 降低员工流失率 提高生产力和员工参与度 对客户产生积极影响 提升品牌形象 健康的企业文化--因为忠诚的团队成员会以积极的态度感染他人 如何衡量员工忠诚度? 衡量员工忠诚度的方法有: 开展调查。定期开展员工敬业度调查和员工满意度调查,有助于了解员工的工作积极性,以及他们对为公司工作的感受。 计算员工净促进者得分(eNPS)。这是一种评估员工忠诚度的方法,也是一种确定改进方法的方法。 召开一对一会议。鼓励营造一种坦诚的工作环境,让员工能够自如地与经理或其他相关人员进行一对一谈话。这种形式可以是定期、有计划的会议,也可以是非正式的聊天。这是与专业人士沟通,了解他们感受的好方法。 是什么保持了员工的忠诚度? 员工满意度与忠诚度息息相关。人们会对关心他们并拥有积极工作文化的公司感到忠诚。 但究竟是什么让员工保持忠诚呢?有几个共同的特点: 有竞争力的薪酬 专业成长、学习和职业发展的机会 雇主认可员工的成就,并对他们的辛勤工作表示赞赏 积极、友好、没有欺凌的社交办公环境 专业人员可以灵活安排上班时间,也可以自由选择混合工作或远程工作 雇主信任员工的专业知识,让他们有责任做出与工作相关的决定 雇主尊重专业人员,关心他们的个人和职业发展 良好的工作与生活平衡 专业人员拥有有效开展工作所需的一切工具的环境 鼓励员工诚实反馈和开诚布公的雇主 管理团队在日常工作繁忙时提供帮助,让每个人都能感受到支持和站在同一条战线上 忠诚员工如何表现? 忠诚的员工真正关心他们为之工作的公司,因此他们会确保向你提供诚实的建议和反馈,以帮助你改进工作。 他们会充满好奇心,寻找创新和帮助公司发展的方法,同时也愿意倾听和学习。 忠诚的员工对工作充满热情,因此他们的工作效率会更高。他们以出色完成工作为荣,兢兢业业,并愿意在需要时努力工作--他们会付出额外的努力。忠诚的员工是快乐的,他们会对同事和公司文化产生积极影响,鼓励团队精神。事实上,他们的热情会激励团队的其他成员,帮助企业大步向前。 拥有如此强大的影响力,忠诚的员工对企业的成功至关重要。 如何提高公司员工的忠诚度? 一旦您衡量了公司的忠诚度,请确定您可以在哪些方面加以改进。 在员工满意度调查中,工作与生活的平衡是否多次作为建议出现?还是更具竞争力的薪酬?一旦您意识到可以通过哪些方式更好地支持员工,您就可以制定长期战略。想方设法开始实施保持员工忠诚度的共同特征。 请记住,忠诚的基础是你与团队之间牢固、长期的信任关系。这种关系的建立需要时间,因此可能需要一段时间才能看到员工忠诚度的提高。 毕竟,你要改变的是企业文化,这不可能一蹴而就。 您制定的任何战略都可以包括每周为改善企业文化而采取的行动。一个很好的开始就是定期表彰员工,通过每周的奖品--甚至只是一次谈话--来表达你对员工辛勤工作的感激之情。 通过每周的定期行动,你可以向员工表明,你在倾听他们的心声,你关心他们。因为,归根结底,真正重要的是,你和你的管理者要表现出对公司每个人的关心。这样才能培养长期的关系,让员工也关心你,这样才能建立员工的忠诚度。 以下为文章原文: What is employee loyalty? Employee loyalty is when your people choose to continue working with you for a long time because they love doing so. They’re happy with the working environment, are motivated, work hard to achieve company goals, and believe in the business’s mission. Loyal employees are less likely to jump ship if they spot opportunities elsewhere. If you improve employee loyalty, you won’t just boost your employee retention rates—you’ll notice a positive effect on your business as a whole. Why is employee loyalty important to companies? Employee loyalty is very important to companies because it has a huge bearing on effective human capital management, as well as on their overall success. It can provide a number of benefits, including: Boosted profits Reduced employee turnover Increased productivity and employee engagement A positive impact on customers Improved brand image A healthy company culture—because loyal team members have a positive attitude that’s infectious go to promotion How do you measure employee loyalty? You can measure employee loyalty by: Running surveys. Regularly running employee engagement surveys and employee satisfaction surveys helps you understand how motivated your people are to do their work, and how they feel about working for you. Calculating your employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS). This is a way of assessing employee loyalty and identifying ways in which you can improve it. Having one-on-one meetings. Encourage an honest working environment where people feel comfortable having one-on-one conversations with their managers, or with other relevant people. This can be in the form of a regular, scheduled meeting or an informal chat. It’s a good way to connect with professionals to gauge how they feel. What keeps an employee loyal? Employee satisfaction is linked to loyalty. People feel loyal to companies that look after them and that have a positive work culture. But what exactly keeps an employee loyal? There are several common features: Competitive pay Opportunities for professional growth, learning, and career advancement An employer that recognizes people’s achievements, and shows appreciation for their hard work A positive, friendly, and social office environment that’s free from bullying The possibility for professionals to have flexible start times, as well as the freedom to choose between hybrid or remote work An employer that trusts their people’s expertise, giving them the responsibility to make decisions associated with their work An employer that treats professionals with respect, caring about them both personally and professionally A good work-life balance An environment where professionals have all the tools they need to carry out their work effectively An employer that encourages honest employee feedback and openness A management team that helps with the day-to-day tasks when it’s busy, so that everyone feels supported and on the same side How does a loyal employee behave? Loyal employees genuinely care about the company they work for, so they’ll make sure they give you honest advice and feedback to help you improve. They’ll be curious, and look for ways to innovate and help the company grow, but they’re also willing to listen and learn. Loyal employees are passionate about the work they do and will be more productive as a result. They take pride in a job well done, are dedicated, and are willing to work hard when needed—they’ll go the extra mile. A loyal employee is happy and will have a positive influence on their colleagues, and on the company culture, encouraging team spirit. In fact, their enthusiasm will inspire the rest of the team, helping your business to take great strides forward. With such a powerful influence, loyal employees are crucial to your success. How can you improve employee loyalty at your company? Once you’ve measured company loyalty, identify what areas in particular you could improve on. Did work-life balance repeatedly come up as a suggestion in an employee satisfaction survey? Or more competitive salaries? Once you’re aware of the ways in which you can better support your people, you can create a long-term strategy. Find ways to start putting in place the common features that keep people loyal. Remember that the foundation of loyalty is a solid, long-term relationship of trust between you and your team. This kind of relationship can take time to develop, so it may take a while before you see an increase in employee loyalty. After all, you’re changing the culture of the business, which is unlikely to happen overnight. Any strategy you put in place could include actions that you take every week to improve the culture. A great place to start is with regular employee recognition, showing how much you appreciate your people’s hard work through weekly prizes—or even just a conversation. By taking regular action each week, you’ll show your people that you’re listening, and that you care. Because, at the end of the day, what really matters is that you and your managers show that you personally care about each and every person at your company. That’s what nurtures a long-term relationship where your people care about you too, and that’s what will build employee loyalty.
  • 提高员工参与度
    【HR术语】什么是岗位轮换?(What is job rotation?) 什么是岗位轮换? 岗位轮换是一种内部流动形式,团队成员在特定时间内在不同岗位或部门之间流动,使个人获得不同的经验,并对公司的运营有广泛的了解。 对于那些勇于创新的组织来说,岗位轮换有很多好处。除其他好处外,它还能提高员工的专业技能、知识和适应能力。它还能降低员工流失率。 岗位轮换有哪些好处? 技能提高和发展 岗位轮换营造了一种鼓励员工学习新技能和新知识的工作环境。这种持续的学习曲线能提高专业技能,使员工适应性更强,成为企业更有价值的一部分。 提高员工参与度和满意度 单调的工作节奏会让许多人失去动力。提供成长和发展机会(如岗位轮换)的组织可以缓解这种单调感,并提供令人耳目一新的变化,重新点燃人们对工作的热情和承诺。 继任规划和人才发展 岗位轮换是发掘个人隐藏才能和能力的重要手段,有助于识别在不同岗位上展现潜力的优秀员工,从而鼓励他们寻求更高的发展机会。 加强合作与理解 接触不同部门为合作创造了沃土。通过岗位轮换,员工可以全面了解公司不同部门之间的相互关系,从而提高团队合作能力。 工作轮换有哪些缺点? 中断和适应期 角色的频繁变化可能导致工作流程和工作效率的中断。人们可能需要时间来适应新的角色和职责,从而在短期内暂时影响工作表现。 培训和过渡成本 由于需要进行必要的培训,生产力和运营效率也会暂时受到影响,因此岗位轮换可能会产生额外的成本。 抵制变革 有些团队成员可能对自己目前的角色非常满意,可能会普遍抵制岗位轮换。 工作轮换与工作充实 岗位充实与岗位轮换的不同之处在于,岗位充实侧重于通过增加责任和自主权来强化现有角色,从而加深员工对现有岗位的投入。 岗位轮换则是让团队成员在不同的岗位和部门之间流动,从而拓宽他们的技能和理解范围。 成功的岗位轮换案例 亚马逊 亚马逊有会计和财务工作轮岗计划,为期六个月到两年。 这些项目只针对大专院校的本科生,竞争激烈,为亚马逊提供了大量的潜在人才。 ManTech 国防工业公司 ManTech 在世界各地的办事处提供轮岗机会。 ManTech 为那些希望获得更多挑战的人设计了这一计划,让团队成员保持积极性并投入到工作中。 微软 微软为期两年的财务轮岗计划让财务分析师能够向公司高层领导学习,提高技能,并在完成轮岗后获得更高级的职位。 该计划有助于微软的继任规划,并通过提供职业发展机会保持员工的忠诚度。 制定岗位轮换政策 制定有效的岗位轮换政策需要认真规划和考虑,包括以下步骤: 明确目标。确定技能发展和协作的目标和关键绩效指标。 资格标准。确定哪些人有资格参与该计划。 轮岗期限。明确轮岗时间。 与发展目标保持一致。根据员工的职业抱负量身定制轮岗计划。 监控成功。通过可衡量的关键绩效指标跟踪效果。 实施岗位轮换的最佳实践 以下是成功实施岗位轮换计划应牢记的一些最佳实践: 评估团队成员的兴趣和技能 了解组织员工的兴趣、技能和职业抱负非常重要,这样才能设计出符合他们的轮岗计划,激发他们的独特潜能。 提供充分的培训和支持 为了最大限度地减少干扰并确保角色之间的平稳过渡,应通过导师制度提供全面的培训和支持。这是一种分享深入知识的绝佳方式,而这些知识只能从实践经验中获得。 定期评估和反馈 通过衡量关键绩效指标和听取员工反馈,定期评估轮岗的有效性,并做出必要的调整。 企业的有力工具 岗位轮换是企业内部学习和发展的有力工具。它可以成为员工发展计划的核心部分,但需要在组织的需求和员工的职业目标之间取得谨慎的平衡。 当一个组织成功实施岗位轮换计划时,它可以帮助创造一个培养人才、促进成长和推动创新的蓬勃发展的工作环境。 以下为文章原文: What is job rotation? Job rotation is a form of internal mobility where team members move between different roles or departments for a specific period of time, allowing individuals to gain diverse experiences and a broad understanding of a company’s operations. Job rotation comes with many benefits for the innovative organizations that embrace it. Among other advantages, it enhances a workforce’s professional skills, knowledge, and adaptability. It also reduces employee turnover. What are the benefits of job rotation? Skill enhancement and development Job rotation builds a workplace environment that encourages people to acquire new skills and knowledge. This continual learning curve boosts expertise, making your workforce adaptable and an even more valuable part of your organization. Improved employee engagement and satisfaction The monotonous rhythm of work can demotivate many of us. Organizations that offer opportunities for growth and development, like job rotation, can alleviate the monotony and provide a refreshing change that reignites people’s passion and commitment to their work. Succession planning and talent development Job rotation can be a valuable aid for uncovering a person’s hidden talents and aptitudes, helping you identify top performers who showcase potential in different roles so you can encourage them to pursue higher opportunities. Enhanced collaboration and understanding Exposure to different departments creates fertile ground for collaboration. Through job rotation, people gain a comprehensive understanding of how different departments in their company interrelate, improving teamwork. What are the drawbacks of job rotation? Disruption and adjustment periods Frequent changes in roles can lead to disruption in workflow and productivity. People may take time to adapt to new roles and responsibilities, temporarily affecting performance in the short term. Training and transition costs Because of the necessary training and temporary disruption to productivity and operational efficiency, job rotation can incur additional costs. Resistance to change Some team members may be perfectly happy in their current roles and may resist job rotations in general. Job rotation vs. job enrichment Job enrichment differs from job rotation in that it focuses on enhancing an existing role by adding more responsibilities and autonomy, deepening a person’s engagement with their current position. Job rotation involves moving team members across different roles and departments, broadening their skills and understanding. Successful job rotation examples Amazon Amazon has accounting and finance job rotation programs that last between six months to two years. These programs are solely for college and university undergraduates and are highly competitive—giving Amazon an abundant source of talented potential hires. ManTech The defense industry company ManTech offers job rotation opportunities in its offices around the world. ManTech designed the program for people who want more of a challenge, keeping team members motivated and engaged with their work. Microsoft Microsoft’s two-year finance job rotation program allows its financial analysts to learn from senior leaders across the company, improve their skills, and receive a more senior role upon completion. The program contributes to Microsoft’s succession planning and keeps its people committed by offering opportunities for career progression. Developing a job rotation policy Creating an effective job rotation policy requires careful planning and consideration that includes the following steps: Clear objectives. Defining goals and KPIs for skill development and collaboration. Eligibility criteria. Determining who qualifies for the program. Rotation duration. Specifying how long rotations last. Alignment with development goals. Tailoring rotations to align with people’s career aspirations. Monitoring success. Tracking impact through measurable KPIs. Best practices for implementing job rotation Here are some best practices to keep in mind to successfully implement a job rotation program: Assess team members’ interests and skills It’s important to understand the interests, skills, and career aspirations of your organization’s people to design a rotation that aligns with them and brings out their unique potential. Provide adequate training and support To minimize disruption and ensure a smooth transition between roles, offer comprehensive training and support through a mentorship system. It’s a great way to share the kind of in-depth knowledge that can only come from hands-on experience. Regular evaluation and feedback Regularly assess a rotation’s effectiveness by measuring key KPIs and listening to feedback from people—making any necessary adjustments. A powerful tool for your organization Job rotation is a powerful tool for learning and development within your organization. It can be a core part of an employee development plan, but it requires a careful balance between your organization’s needs and the professional goals of its people. When an organization successfully implements a job rotation program, it can help create a thriving workplace environment that nurtures talent, fosters growth, and drives innovation.