美国招聘网站Phenom People获得600万美元A轮融资
Phenom People成立于,总部位于美国霍舍姆。
本次领投的公司是Sierra Ventures。
Phenom People, A Customizable Job Application Service, Raises $6M
It can seem at times that job application sites for companies are a black hole and impossible to navigate. That’s why Phenom People, a service that customizes company job search pages for individuals, wants to try to fix that experience.
The company, which said it raised $6 million in venture financing led by Sierra Ventures, basically keeps tabs on who is visiting a company’s application page — like what jobs they view and where they come in from — and builds custom job search pages for them. For example, if someone has viewed a couple of jobs for a marketing role, they might be shown other roles that they might not have thought of when they visit a second time.
“We collect [a lot of data] to understand candidate intent — why is this here, what is it looking for,” CEO Mahe Bayireddi said. “So every time they come back we give a unique experience based on previous behavior, intent and persona. It’s all so we can give them a unique employment value proposition based on what they’re looking for.”
Recruiters also use the service to find potential recruits that might be good fits, which isn’t necessarily obvious if recruiters are just paying attention to the applications coming in. If a potential recruit is coming back three or four times and browsing the site, it may show that they are more interested in the job than someone just simply applying for jobs point-blank, Bayireddi said.
Phenom People uses traditional fingerprinting and IP tools in order to understand who that person is and collect data on them. It then builds an interest graph of sorts for that person, customizing the page for a company’s application site on the spot.
Part of the justification for a service like this to exist, Bayireddi said, is that while there are other services for searching jobs like LinkedIn, many inevitably end up back on the company’s home job search page. They might not actually apply for a job there, but might be coming back to the site regularly from other kinds of job search services, which offers additional data.
“The person can come from Google, look for a job, leave, and after 15 minutes come in from LinkedIn, and then leave, and then come in from Indeed,” he said. “People think it’s just from Indeed, but no, it’s multiple steps. They might even visit GlassDoor. Every track is basically managed by us to understand where they are coming from.”
So how is this different from a service like Greenhouse, or other job application services? Those services are simply backend systems that serve as a supply chain of sorts for recruiters, Bayireddi said. That, of course, doesn’t mean that they will always be that — if the market for something like this is as large as Bayireddi believes, it’s certainly in the realm of possibility that a company like other recruiting startups would begin doing something similar. And of course, there are ways to apply directly through LinkedIn, which might render a service like this moot.
This is Bayireddi’s first round of financing, but the company has been around for around four years, teaching him to basically run a lean an operation as a company can get. And that’s part of the reason the startup is going to remain in Philadelphia, as well, he said.
“That’s part of the unique nature of how we did it,” he said. “We primarily lean toward less costs, that’s a good attribution being in Philadelphia. We have no intention to move to Silicon Valley. Some of the funds asked us if you can move to Silicon Valley, our thought process is, ‘hey, we want to sit here because we want to build a community around here,’ and that’s important.”
云分析企业 Numerify 获 3750 万美金 C 轮融资,致力大数据分析优化企业 IT
云分析服务企业Numerify刚刚获得了 C 轮 3750 万美金的融资,他们从去年9月 开始转向为 IT 运维提供分析应用服务。这次融资之后,Numerify 准备使用监控分析的方式为 IT 企业服务的更高效,更好的实施安保系统。
CEO Gaurav Rewari 说,Numerify 要用分析数据优化用户的服务。比如说,简化服务信息的传递,测试出什么服务适合自动进行,什么适合人工进行。简单来说:就是将企业在Numerify 上的云数据进行计算和分析,可以将多个阶段的数据进行比对,优化企业的服务架构。
在资产方面也会有一些服务,算是帮助公司更合理的管理资产,能在 IT 管理上省一些资金。
其实 Numerify 就是想针对一些越来越庞大的公司做服务,因为随着这些公司的壮大,数据也会越来越多,对于他们来说是一种消耗和负担,不过问题是,这些公司一大自己就可以建立云分析服务团队了,所以在这一点上,Numerify 要想发展的更好,必须找出自己的优势。
这次融资由 Tenaya Capital 领投,Sequoia Capital 和 Lightspeed Venture 跟投。
Bento:小公司的员工财务管理便当小型创业公司员工往往需要身兼数职,在企业开展业务的同时员工也会产生各种费用。对这样的需求,大公司可以通过给员工申请公司卡和通过财务人员的对账报账来进行处理,但如果小公司也玩这一套,从成本和便捷性上都吃不消。对此,一家名为Bento for Business的创业公司推出了针对小企业的员工财务管理解决方案:Bento MasterCard。
Bento MasterCard是Bento和MasterCard合作推出的一种虚拟预付卡。说到虚拟预付卡,其实在美国的很多超市都可以买到虚拟卡,用户可以往卡里进行充值当借记卡使用(之前雷锋网为了购买海外产品还专门买过这样的虚拟卡)。然而Bento的不同之处在于,小企业的创始人可以在网上方便管理每张卡片的额度,一键开启/关闭卡片的使用,对消费情况进行统计汇总和分析,了解花费的数目和构成,更神奇的是,你还可以自行授权每张卡片的用途,例如说,你设定了某位员工的卡片只能采购办公用品或者加油,如果他瞒着你下馆子,当他拿出公司卡要结账的时候,这样不符合授权的交易将会被自动拒绝,同时企业主也会收到一条信息,从而也杜绝了员工滥用的可能性。更重要的是,由于每张卡片可以方便设置额度、用途等,由于卡片丢失或者卡片信息泄露造成的财务问题(如盗刷)可能性也会大大降低。
Bento CEO Farhan Ahmad称,他们推出这一针对小企业的产品是因为他们认为小企业是经济的基石,不仅承担了大量的就业机会,还给整个经济带来了活力。但相对于大企业,银行对小企业的服务就有点跟不上趟,例如很多小企业无法申请到公司信用卡,而通过他们的方案,小企业也可以根据自己的需要方便地控制采购费用,而无需依赖于企业或CEO的评分。如同其名字一样(“Bento”在英文中的意思是快餐盒饭),Bento的目标是为中小企业提供快捷、便利而且经济的员工财务管理服务。
费用方面,Bento for Business采取的是对卡片收取一定费用,如图所示,公司申请一张卡的时候是免费的,2-5张卡每月收取29美元的服务费,6-20张卡收取每月79美元服务费,如果超过20张卡还有特殊通道,再加上附加的财务统计功能,无形中省了一个人做账,对于小企业来说还是很经济实惠的。
Bento for Business计划进一步扩展其针对小企业的其他金融服务项目和为小企业提供金融工具,如:开发票、记账、信用卡管理等,未来Bento for business还计划与银行进行合作,为符合条件的企业提供申请贷款等服务。
Bento for Business是目前已获得250万美元种子融资,目前员工5人,。